About Me


Chasing dreams is good, but without the right direction, you cannot accomplish them

I am a passionate researcher in the field of MIS  and Franchising, specialising in informed online business, e-commerce, and the influence of digital communication and interventions. My focus spans a variety of topics, ranging from user acceptance  and strategic management to the disclosure of performance issues and climate change. In essence, anything related to behaviour and decision making, as well as its support, captures my interest.  I actively work to integrate these principles into our research to promote an inclusive approach. In addition, I am an experienced teacher. From being a tutor to coordinating courses, I’ve helped students develop skills that go beyond the classroom.

I want my students to think creatively about problems so that they're better equipped to use critical thinking skills outside the classroom. I encourage every student to ask questions and utilize resources to improve their chances of success.

I believe that everyone has a role to play to create a better world. As each students have their own unique capabilities and talents that they can contribute to society, it is my privilege to inspire them with ideas, guidance and stimulating environment where students will develop confidence and at the same time being humble and respectable to others, enjoy learning experience, and show their commitment, responsibilites and care towards other human beings. As such, I always encourage my students to speak up their minds, to be themselves, to be brave to try new things, not afraid of making mistakes and learning from it, as I am also in the process of learning in this big classroom of of life. ” — Dr Khairol Anuar Ishak, Senior Lecturer

Research Interests
  • Franchising
  • Relationship Quality 
  • Information System
  • E-Commerce
  • Digital Marketing
  • Strategic Management
  • Inclusive research (methods)
My Education
  • PhD in Franchising Relationship Management, 2015, Universiti Sains Malaysia.
  • Master of Business Administration, 2002, Universiti Utara Malaysia.
  • Bachelor of Business Administration, 1996, Universiti Utara Malaysia.



Courses Taught

  1. EEP1032 Personal Development and Character Building
  2. EEP2032 Living in Multi-Cultural Society
  3. VRS021 Community Development
  4. TID1103 Computer Application in Management
  5. PMN1013 Principles of Management
  6. BPME3033 E-Commerce,
  7. BPMN1013 Introduction to Management,
  8. PN2023Organizational Behavior
  9. BPIN3053 Management Information System,
  10. Personal Financial Planning,
  11. BPMN3143 Research Methodology,
  12. BPMN3103 Seminar on Management Thinking
  13. BPMN3023 Strategic Management
  14. BPMN6053 Management Information System,
  15. BPMN6073 Research Methodology
  16. STIM5013 Information Technology for Managers 


My Consultation Project

  1. 2023: Kajian Impak dan Keberkesanan Program PENJANA Kementerian Pendidikan Tinggi, Member
  2. 2023: MARA Training, Principal Investigator, Entrepreneurial and Leadership Training – Training of Trainers (TOT), MARA
  3. 2023: MARA Training, Principal Investigator, Entrepreneurial and Leadership Training – Advanced, MARA
  4. 2023: MARA Training, Principal Investigator, Entrepreneurial and Leadership Training –Intermediate, MARA
  5. 2022: MARA Training, Principal Investigator, Entrepreneurial and Leadership Training –Basic: Cohort 2, MARA
  6. 2022: MARA Training, Principal Investigator, Entrepreneurial and Leadership Training –Basic: Cohort 1, MARA
  7. 2022: Training Focus Group Studies, Co-Principal Investigator, MARA.
  8. 2022: Modul Development, Co-Principal Investigator, MARA.
  9. 2022: Google Mapping, Co-Principal Investigator, KEDA.
  10. 2020: Franchise Module Development for PNS, Principal Investigator, Perbadanan Nasional Berhad (PNS).


My Research

  1. The impact of service quality on students' satisfaction and happiness (2021), Member, UNIVERSITI

  2. A development model of helpdesk ticketing system for supporting open and distance learning (ODL) programs in uum (2021), Member, UNIVERSITI

  3. A study on the effects of social media marketing activities, on brand equity and customer response-uum distance learning program (2021), Member, UNIVERSITI

  4. A new model on leading change for industrial revolution 4.0 and employees' commitment to change in the large companies in Malaysia (2019), Member, KPT

  5. The effect of risk-taking propensity, family support, self-efficacy, entrepreneurship education towards entrepreneurship behavior: comparative studies between Malaysia and Nigeria (2018), Leader, ANTARABANGSA

  6. Pembangunan Indeks Kualiti Perhubungan Francais (2016), Leader, UNIVERSITI

  7. Pembangunan model empowering entrepreneurship dalam kalangan pelajar IPT (2016), Member, UNIVERSITI

  8. Strategic management implementation practices among SME in Kedah and perils (2015), Leader, UNIVERSITI

  9. Mediating effect of organizational innovative capability on the relationship between human resource management (HRM) practices and organizational performance of Malaysian SME (2014), Member, UNIVERSITI

  10. Mapping the customer lifetime value of kedai rakyat 1 Malaysia (KR1M) for understanding the business sustainability: a new hybrid of geospatial information systems and RFM model (2014), Member, KPT

  11. Investigating the relationship between relational mechanisms, relationship quality and business performance: a study in education franchise system (2013), Leader, KPT

  12. Determinant factors for e-learning acceptance: case study for BBA program students (2005), Leader, UNIVERSITI

  13. Praktis pembangunan aplikasi sistem maklumat dalam sektor farmaseutikal di malaysia: kaitannya dengan kepuasan penggunaan sistem, aktiviti pemprosesan maklumat, dan keupayaan pembuatan keputusan (2005), Member, KPT


My Publication

  1. Almajali, W. I., Ishak, K. A., & Mohd Nafi, S. N. (2021). A Conceptual Framework of Total Quality Management (TQM) Practices and Organization Performance for Jordanian ICT Companies. bimonthly.
  2. Almajali, W. I., Ishak, K. A., & Mohd Nafi, S. N. (2021). The Mediating Effect of IT Capability on the Relationship between Knowledge Management Processes and Organization Performance in Jordanian ICT Companies: A Conceptual Framework. bimonthly.
  3. Ishak, K. A., & Alkaisi, M. (2020). Using The Higher Education Performance Framework To Student Loyalty Among Private Higher Education Students In The UAE. International Journal of Advanced Science and Technology.
  4. Ishak, K. A., & Alkaisi, M. (2019). Examining the factors that enhance students' happiness in higher education institutions: A case study in a private higher education institution in the UAE. International Journal of Innovation, Creativity and Change.
  5. Jaganathan, M., & Ishak, K. A. (2019). The Influence of Environmental Pressure on Information and Communication Technology: A Reliability Test. IOSR Journal of Business and Management.
  6. Zakaria, N., Ishak, K. A., Ahmad Arshad, D., Abdullah, N., & Ahmad, N. (2018). Measuring the dimensionality of human resource management: The perspective of Malaysian SME owner-managers ,. Management Science Letters, 8 (5), 317 To 326.
  7. Shamsudin, A., Othman, A., Ishak, K. A., & Abd Rahman, R. (2018). Kerangka Kajian Penyelidikan Pemerkasaan Keusahawanan Dalam Kalangan Pelajar Universiti Awam. Jurnal Kinabalu, 24 (1), 1-16.
  8. Jaganathan, M., Ahmad, S., Ishak, K. A., Mohd Nafi, S. N., & Uthamaputhran, L. (2018). Determinants for Ict Adoption and Problems: Evidence from Rural Based Small and Medium Enterprises in Malaysia. International Journal of Entrepreneurship.
  9. Tariq, S., Ishak, K. A., & Mohd Nafi, S. N. (2018). Effect of Human Factor in the Success of E-learning with the Moderating Effect of Web Self-efficacy in the context of Malaysia. International Journal of Advanced Research.
  10. Tariq, S., Ishak, K. A., & Mohd Nafi, S. N. (2018). Measuring E-learning Success with the Extension of Technology factor in Delone & Mclean is success Model. International Journal of Advanced Research.
  11. Al- Haderi, S. M.S., Ishak, K. A., Ismail, W., Al Sanabani, T., & Al Hamdani, A. (2018). Self-control and social pressure an important determinant on the saving behaviour among university' students. International Journal of Engineering and Technology.
  12. Ishak, K., Zakaria, N., & Ishak, M. K. (2018). The Impacts of Relational Norms and Relationship Quality on Franchise Firm's Performance: The empirical of Malaysian Franchisee. International Journal of Supply Chain Management.
  13. Ishak, W. Z.A., Ahmad, F., & Ishak, K. A. (2018). Witnessing Workplace Incivility towards Burnout: a Conceptual Perspective.

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